Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First Client Requirements 1

These are feature requests by the first client

1> There should different sections for various activities like Home Page, Event Listing, Discussion Forums, Invitation and acceptance tracker, Our Story, Photos/Videos, Guest List and Guest comments
2> Once the website is through, we should be able to post the URL to all the guest addresses (email ids) and they should be able to accept invitations online.
3> There should be an easy to download/track mechanism to keep a tab on the number of attendees (its desirable if they can additionally mention their probability of attending each of the event like Definite/Probably/Not Sure/Not attending etc)
4> Its desirable to have a seperate page which should be an online invitation card
5> In totality, there should be a theme for the whole of this activity which will make it bit more interesting, rather than just filling up pages with pictures and text. The Google theme by Nikhil was good. If you can provide options of themes which you can suggest, it will be great
6> All the pages should be easy to access (without heavily loaded) and catchy
7> There should be background music being played while the guests browse through the site. I should be able to select the preferred background song .
8> Its prefereble to have a gift registry kind of page where we can list down items which can be brought in a gifts or the guests to choose items from the list on gift.
9> Option to send invitation to friends from various social sites like orkut, facebook etc
10> Mechanism to track how many guests have actually accessed the website (URL)
11> Mechanism to send second reminded for guests to re-confirm their attendance for the event
12> Page for guests to show them the events with items on the food menu

1. Marriage Vendor List for quick reference, and contact information
2. Marriage Financial Accounting (Expenses incurred since start)
3. A page to show Google Maps to exact venue of various events
4. A twitter interface for your marriage so that both of marrying partners can tweet amongst themselves though cellphones, and tweeted messages appear on the website.
5. Interactive Capabilities: Your friends and family should be able to suggest honeymoon locations.
6. Weather Gadget at the location where marriage is supposed to happen
7. Accomodation Management: If you have some kind of accomodation allocation done, you guests should know before they come down.

There should be a feature to enable/disable the site to the Guests as and when I need it. For ex: Firstly, I want the site to be upto my satisfaction. In case if I need any editing, I shall perform it in terms of its look and feel, text, photos, decoration etc. Independently, I should have an option as to when I want this to be exposed to the guests.


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  2. contains a free guest book on PHP
